Saturday, December 1, 2012

Webcomic: Gunnerkrigg Court

A webcomic that I have long kept up with (and continue to do so, as it is still running) is Gunnerkrigg Court, by Tom Sidell. It is a comic with a very obvious progression in its art from its first comic to its later chapters, both as Sidell's overall artistic talent grows and as his style comes into its own. Gunnerkrigg Court is a series that very literally interprets the conflict of Man Vs. Nature, with the eponymous court/boarding school and its machines and alchemy on one side of a gorge, and the wild forestland ruled by the trickster spirit Coyote on the other. Caught between the two is a court student, Antimony, who takes a neutral, diplomatic stance between the two morally grey sides. She and her robotics expert best friend, Kat, finds themselves digging deep into the history and mysteries of the court and forest, and the strange creatures and magic that occupy both.
GC takes a very engaging approach to its plot, often answering one major question in a chapter while opening two or three more. This, combined with its large, likable cast, well-integrated and often silly sense of humor, and Mr. Sidell's staggering degree of research and presentation of obscure mythology make it an absolutely engrossing comic that encourages several read-throughs. In addition, Sidell keeps a well-stocked 30-page buffer at all times, and as such, has unfailingly updated every single Monday, Wednesday, and Friday since 2005, which is very rewarding for his loyal readerbase. I would recommend this series to anyone who has any interest in fantasies, mysteries, or character-driven storylines.

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